There can be no great discoveries and progress as long as there is still an unhappy child on earth.

Albert Einstein

Global Family Charity Resort

We provide free vacations for families in need.
A vacation from desolation, poverty, violence, fear, hardship and grief.


Also for underprivileged children and families. We enable people from difficult, sometimes hopeless situations to spend carefree days with accompanying therapists if necessary. Vacations reduce suffering for these children and families.

  • There are far too many families who have disabled or terminally ill children.

  • There are far too many families who have been damaged by war and environmental disasters.

  • There are far too many families who have to live below the poverty line.

  • There are far too many families on the run.

  • There are far too many families whose children have been victims of sexual abuse.

  • And there are far too many mothers and fathers living on the breadline as single parents.

What they all have in common is the fact that the word “vacation” is a foreign word.

“For families for whom life is not normal. For victims of poverty, illness, violence and war, carefree vacations and loving hospitality are more than just a vacation. It is the fulfillment of an unattainable dream. It’s like dancing on a rainbow!

As a former PR consultant in the top hotel industry, I had it all: amenities and the pleasure of hospitality. And I made many good friends in the hotel industry as well as in top sport, art, drama and culture who are now also involved.

These friends help Global Family Charity Resort and have since enabled hundreds of children and parents from exceptional situations to enjoy carefree vacations. They sometimes meet stars in person who accompany or visit them on vacation. There are hundreds of businesses that help. Whether our first host Adi Werner from the Arlberg Hospiz, the Hotel GH Post in Lech of our first president Kristl Moosbrugger or Hotel Hubertus of the second president Johanna Maier, the hotels of skiing legend Rainer Schönfelder or many small and large businesses with warm hosts all over Austria, Germany, Italy, Croatia, England, Portugal and perhaps one day all over the world”.

Karl Polaska-Auer

children and their families made ha

charity events organized

Partner hotels in the Global Family


“It’s not enough just to survive. People also need to experience something so that their lives make sense. So that they gain courage, hope and vision. And so that lasting memories of moments of happiness remain”.

How you can help

Global Family is looking for people, companies and organizations as active and supporting members who can support this project through financial and/or material donations as well as services or who can actively participate through their expertise and personality.

Become a Member

Become a member, volunteer or vacation sponsor!

Be sponsor

Sponsors make it possible to finance travel organization and vacation trips and, if necessary, to provide therapeutic support. Sponsorship pays off through a lively network that connects social commitment.

Become a partner hotel

The most valuable contribution is made by the host hoteliers. They invite affected children and parents free of charge. Together with the team, they look after the exceptional guests.

Our Partnerhotels

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